PS Vita is known for having a large number of niche JRPGs of varying
quality, Conception 2 being no exception. But it stands out for having a
rather bizarre premise that bears a few similarities to Persona 4's
basic mechanics. Unfortunately, originality means nothing in the face of
poor execution.
Tales of Symphonia for the Nintendo Gamecube
is often regarded as one of, if not THE best game in the Namco's Tales
franchise. And in 2014, it (alongside with its sequel, Dawn of the New
World) received a remaster for the PS3 called Tales of Symphonia
During the transition, it also received several new bonuses that were
previously exclusive to the Japanese PS2 version. Despite the battle
system showing its age, Tales of Symphonia is still worth playing.
are times when the RPGs developed and sold by big companies like Square
Enix, Namco Bandai, or Nintendo just don't satisfy one's current
tastes. If you're willing to dive into the RPG Maker scene, there's tons
of different games to try out (and most are free). Star Stealing Prince
is one of them, and it's evident that a lot of work and care was put
into the development of this title.